October 7, 2024

If you already purchased a ring for your loved ones but you don’t have any idea on how you’re going to give it to her/him. Then, you’ve come to the right place! In today’s article, you’ll learn about the most romantic ways to give a ring. Because you know, simply handing it over to your partner isn’t good enough.

You’ve purchased an elegant and exceptional piece of fine jewelry for your partner and can’t wait to see his or her reaction when they open the gift. Actually, there are hundreds of romantic ways of giving a ring to your partner, you just need to find the one that works the best for you. Something that can symbolize the journey of your relationship, or can express your endless love with him or her.

Below are some few suggestions that you can try.

  • Hire a Delivery Person 

Generally speaking, your partner may already have an idea that you have a gift for her or him. This is where you can start the confusion which can lead from a happy and unexpected surprise.

You can hire someone that your partner would never think would give a gift. A small child would be the most obvious choice, or a pet, or your neighbor who can pretend he got your package delivery by mistake.  You can also have your kid or other special-deliveryman approaches your partner with a gift in hand. Your partner will not be prepared to get a piece of fine jewelry, so his or her expectations will be blown away when she or he opens the elegant surprise that awaits.

If you’re looking for an elegant ring that would match your partner’s elegant looking hand, you may visit https://finnlys.com/collections/rings for more rings to choose from.

  1. Fake Packaging 

The trick here is to give a little bit of disappointment to your partner which can quickly turn into a surprise of joy. You can start with an empty box from some non-sexy item such as office supplies, cleaning products, hardware tools, or housewares.

This is perfect if you want some humor in your anniversary, basically, you want a reaction like your partner would be angry or sad with the gift you’ve given in the most special celebration of the year. But of course, the real gift is resting deep within the fake packaging – and that would be a ring from you.

  1. Special Place 

Choose a place that has a deep meaning for her or him and your relationship. These special place can really set the mood when you give the gift to your partner. Actually, the place doesn’t need to be fancy, extravagant, or elegant, but as long as that place symbolizes your love where you both shared your first kiss can be as touching as where you proposed.

You can also give it to her or him during a concert of her or his favorite singer or band, or taking a vacation at the beach. But make sure that the gift is safe and secure before the giving time.

You may also give your partner a symbolic ring with a gem of topaz in it which symbolizes your eternal romance, honesty, and loyalty to your partner. You may visit https://finnlys.com/collections/natural-blue-topaz for a topaz ring collection.